
Our History

It all began in the summer of 2009, My husband and I went on an international mission trip to Costa Rica. We came home with our hearts on fire knowing our world was changed forever. Within a few weeks of returning, doors started to open for us to be able to become missionaries. We went to our daughters and told them that the Lord has laid upon our hearts to become missionaries overseas and we were going to visit a country named Ecuador in a few weeks to see if that was the place the Lord wanted us to be. When we stepped foot in to Ecuador it was like the river of peace washed over us. We all knew within the first few days of visiting that this is where it would all begin.

By November of 2009 we sold almost everything, we packed up a few suitcases for each of us and moved to Tena, Ecuador. Before we even settled into our new home we started building a community. We were able to help set up a nonprofit organization, help local churches, install water pumps in indigenous villages, and establish an orphanage.

In Paute, Ecuador we established a mission house and hosted both church and medical teams. We assisted a special needs school, helped restore and renovate an orphanage, as well as tutored and ministered to young adult students.

Then after years of ministering in Ecuador the Lord called us home once more. We took a few years to focus on our family, watched our girls marry and have enjoyed the last few years as grandparents. Here lately the Lord has started calling again and doors have begun to open for us to minister once more and make a difference here in our own backyard.

Our mission has always been and will always be to help others live a life full of love, grace and gratitude. We plan on helping to rebuild, restore and change lives  in our own community through connection, encouragement and lots of prayer. We cannot wait to see what the Lord has planned for us now.

All I know is that our community here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina will be Changed Forever.

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